Health Coaching Services

At some point in our lives, many of us grow tired of ourselves. We come to the unsettling realization that we are not happy with our current level of health, our appearance, our well being in general. And we make a conscious decision to change it… or at least… try our best. Sadly, for all our valiant efforts, so many of us still find ourselves completely overwhelmed at the prospect of developing a plan to make the changes we so desperately seek to live a healthier life. Schedules, jobs, kids, family commitments, life in general always seems to have other plans for us. Our best laid plans fall to the wayside and we are sucked into the daily grind oblivion, and the cycle of feeling tired, unhappy or hopeless begins all over again.

It’s hard. I get it, more than you know. And it took me quite a few years to find what worked for me. But in doing so, I uncovered a passion for helping others do the exact same thing.

I am a Health Coach.

Together, we work to develop a plan. We identify the road blocks, thought processes, the things that motivate you to succeed and those that hinder all your best efforts. Together we devise a plan that can be applied to YOUR life, a method unique to you and only you. You see, no two people are alike. No two people have the same journey to a healthy lifestyle and to presume that a one size fits all work out, nutrition plan or method will work for anyone can be disastrous to your efforts. With creative scheduling, flexible nutrition guidance, workouts tailored to your exact lifestyle needs and continuous support from not only myself, but others who are fighting the same battle, you are given all the tools to find YOUR healthiest lifestyle.

Sustainable, schedule oriented, therapeutic in nature,  delivered and administered in person or electronically… health coaching is NOT personal training. We focus on the cognitive aspect of things, finding the root of t goals aren’t met or where the road blocks we face come from. The option for workout programming is absolutely a HUGE bonus and is obviously recommended, but health coaching will take you a step (or more) further and help you integrate all the pieces of the puzzle into your life.

Services Available
There are many cliché quotes regarding building and breaking habits but the truth of the matter is, NO two people build or break patterns the same way. Every person’s lifestyle has different demands, expectations and needs.

Behavioral modification looks at the current lifestyle an individual maintains and seeks out ways to adjust it. It creates sustainable methods, habits and processes to stay on track with health and fitness goals.

The three main components of effective behavioral modification techniques are using cognitive therapy to set SMART goals, have a willingness to change and a plan to do so.

I work with clients to ensure we find the perfect combination of those three things.

Workout programming serves multiple purposes.
​First,  your workout is designed based specifically on your goals. We take into account any injuries,  special considerations, previous experience and your preferences to make a workout that you are comfortable, with yet challenged by.

Once your workout is created, it is given to you virtually in an app that allows us to communicate each day and week. The workouts can be given in many formats, which lets us fine tune them to whatever suits your needs best.

Virtual coaching with Grind and Shine Health Coaching also gives you an incredible sense of accountability, since we can interact so closely to moniter workout completion.

Finally, we consider the resources available to you for your workouts. What equipment you currently have or could invest in, access to a gym or outdoor workout facility  and time constraints are all examined before developing a plan.
Prepay for 6 months of in home workout programming and receive an equipment starter pack!


The nutrition guidance offered through Grind and Shine Health Coaching is backed by a  Nutritionist Certification.

Deep explanation is given as to how your nutritional habits can affect your health and suggestions can be offered on substitutions.
You can learn more about macro and micronutrients, how many calories your body needs, how to best get those things into your diet and tons of helpful meal prep and recipe tips.